Sunday, November 4, 2012

Primary Presentation


Today was the Primary Program ... Here is my talk:

In John 13:15, the Lord said, “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” 

Jesus Christ came to earth and set a perfect example for each of us to follow.  When I think of His example, I think of three main things – Obedience, Prayer, and Service.

Jesus was always obedient.  No matter what Heavenly Father asked Him to do, He did it!  He did not ask questions or try to get out of it .. He just always did exactly what His Father asked Him to do.  I can follow the example of Jesus by obeying my parents and by keeping the commandments.

All through the scriptures, there are examples of Jesus praying to Heavenly Father.  He often said we should pray “in all things” .. not just when we need something, or not just when we are sad .. but every day about everything that is happening in our life.  I can follow the example of Jesus by saying my prayers every day and learning how to really talk to Heavenly Father.

In Acts 10:38, it says that Jesus “went about doing good” – He showed us tons of examples where He put others before Himself.  He was always concerned with others and showed us the importance of being kind.  I can follow Jesus by always showing love to others and looking for ways to help people.

I know that if I do these things and follow the example of Jesus, I will grow closer to my Heavenly Father right now and be able to return to live with Him one day.  I know that the Holy Ghost will be stronger inside of me.  Most importantly, I know that following the example of Jesus is the best way to be happy.

I must say I did  a pretty good job on my parts. I gave my talk, and I also had a singing part. For my singing part I had to sing the three verses of "We will Follow the Lord" with my group.  We did pretty good but my group started too early and we weren't super loud but I think we still did good. 

I was kinda nervous to give my talk, but people told me I did great. I might even get the Special Plate. I hope I get to speak in church again.  

I also got a new dress ... WHICH I LOVE!!!  My Mom curled my hair and I was looking fine!!